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Strona: [1]
Wersja: Heroes IV - Winds of War
Wielkość: L - Duza
Podziemia: Tak
Ilość graczy: wszystkich: 5 w tym jako ludzie: 4
Sojusze: 0
Język:   Angielski
Autor: Theodorus
Rozmiar pliku: 141.59 KB
Dodano: 15.12.2014 roku Pobrano: 872 razy Zgłoś niedziałający link
Opis: Tough decisions are imminent for the four kingdoms. The peace through trading, which they worked hard for came to a sudden end when an aggressive pack of black dragons nested in the pass through the mountains that was the only route to the other empires. The elder kings are breeding in bitterness, each of them blaming one another for their situation. While the nation is starving, the loudest voices claim to gather an army, overpower the dragons and attack the other kingdoms. Now is the time for brave and ambitious cammanders to take the lead in order to turn the tide for their empire. Teleporters to the underworld have been discovered only recently. They could bring a critical advantage.
Strony: [1]